Sunday, January 5, 2014

Can the Cognitive Impact of Calculus Courses Be Enhanced: Response to Dubinsky

Some blog followers might be interested in a post "Can the Cognitive Impact of Calculus Courses Be Enhanced: Response to Dubinsky." The abstract reads:

ABSTRACT: In response to my post "Can the Cognitive Impact of Calculus Courses be Enhanced?" [Hake (2013)] at (2.7 MB), Ed Dubinsky (2013) at of the RUME (Research in Undergraduate Math Education) list made t6 points that I have abbreviated below and to which I respond in this post:

1. "I agree with most of what you wrote."

2. "As far as I know, 'UME Trends' has not been archived. . . . the articles are historically important because they represent a major turning point in the mathematical community towards undergraduate education."

3. "I think more has gone on in MER during the last 20 years than is indicated in your piece. There is a special interest group SIGMAA ON RUME, which stands for Special Interest Group of the MAA on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education."

4. "I think we who work in RUME must acknowledge our debt to Physics Education Research."

5. "I am not quite as enthusiastic about CCI as you are. . . . . How are you going to keep the educational community from using CCI to 'teach to the test' and even to cheat?"

6. "I wonder what you have to say about the C4L calculus reform project that we developed at Purdue and was funded by the NSF Calculus Reform movement?"

To access the complete 152 kB post please click on

Richard Hake, Emeritus Professor of Physics, Indiana University; LINKS TO: Academia; Articles; Blog; Facebook; GooglePlus; Google Scholar; Linked In; Research Gate; Socratic Dialogue Inducing (SDI) Labs; Twitter

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